Linux Filesystem

|| Linux Filesystem ||


            So I was watching Good Doctor on Netflix, an there is this Line "All things are little as good an lot will kill you, Get into it an then Get Over it!". What I'm trying to say is even if it feels off to read or learn about Data Science as of now keep going, I can assure you it will be all fun once you start practicing it.

Today we will Discuss about "Partitioning And Formatting". As Lone does not necessarily mean lonliness same is partitioning does not mean creating barrier. Its just having your own space.

When you have By default windows OS installed an need to install Linux OS, That's when Partitioning and Formatting comes In view. Its Called as Dual Booting System or just Dual Boot.

We all are familiar with Hard-disk an Primary Partition it has, i,e. C-drive, D-drive, E-drive, F-drive an we Love to name them as per our conviction or comfort. Apart from changing name, do you know we can have partition within a partition? Answer is Yes. Its called as Extended Partition-  Logical Partition. 

You need not to bother about partition unless an until you are installing OS. In a simple way

: C-drive, D-drive, E-drive [ Extended Partition ], F- Drive

: C-drive, D-drive, E-drive, F- Drive [ Extended Partition ]

: C-drive, D-drive [ Extended Partition ], E-drive, F- Drive

Except C-drive you can create extended partition with any other drive for other OS or Dual Boot.

Extended Partitions may use OS-specific partition Table (Meta-data), Hence other OS may not be able to read it. [ Meta-Data: It is used to summarize basic information about data which can make tracking and working with specific data easier.]

Within Extended Partition you can have as many as Logical Partitions. Consider you have Hard-disk of 1TB or so an 250GB specifically assigned to E-drive. Now within E Drive i,e. our Extended Partition lets say for now we are creating Four Logical Partitions. Here, Know that Linux OS will be Installed on E-drive an what we are doing is assigning it Drive which we call as Logical Partition within extended Partition. We will discuss on how to Create Partition once we are on Installation Of Linux OS. Basically Partition is where you save your Files that you work on while using Linux OS.

HaHaHa!! You all didn't notice it yet, Title to Page says Linux file system but all I said is about Partitioning. 

So, After Creating Partition, the Partition is formatted with Filesystem. Like NTFS file system is used for Windows OS, FAT32 File System for Removable Drive, and Ext4 File System On Linux.

Linux File System Goes this way from Ext2, Ext3, an as of now we have Ext4 which is better version of all previous File System. 

Next Thing we will be Doing is Installation Of Linux. 

If you have any Concern or Correction you think is right to be mentioned, let me know in comment section.

Thank You!!

NTFS- New Technology File System....Developed By Microsoft

FAT32- File Allocation Table.


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