Linux and Lone

 || Linuxx And Lone ||


#Most of you will hear is Linux is Unix-Like Operating System an that's fair but on other hand if  you are giving instructions to system it feels more like using Command Prompt. Basically its sweet and simple.

Linux was developed by Mr. Linus Torvalds on 17th Sep. 1991 as an open source Operating System

as it was developed under GPL [ General Public License ].  As an Open Source you can modify as well developed it to your own comfort. But as DATA ANALYST all you need is basic of Linux OS.

So what's the core part of OS.... Kernel. As Interesting it is Linux has its own Kernel. Kernel is a medium through which Hardware receives commands to be executed.

For the beginner level we know there is platform for such commands to be given as well as executed.

SHELL - Shell is a Platform which is used by user to provide instructions to hardware via Kernel.

Over the Ages Shell Script has been developed which will be discussed in later part of blog.

Linux is Multiuser Multitasking Operating System. 

If you consider office of 25 staff members each having user name and Password provided for device with Administrator having all logs of users with one command..? Do you get it now, Linux is basic way of operating an keeping things smooth an running for long. So how is it done...?

Partitioning And Formatting, You can call it as having multiple users using same storage to store/extract/read/write files through Linux OS. 

In Next part of Blog we will Cover Installation Of Linux OS, Partitioning, Shell Script.

#Stay Tuned. Any Recommendations or concerns are welcomed 

Linux And Lone: Lonewolf as in Legacy


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